Monday, August 13, 2012

"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea" (Alain)

I am the type of person that, when something pops in to my head, I am determined to see it through.  I will not rest until I have achieved it or until it has been completed.  So when I get an idea, the saying is true that "nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea."

I say this because when you only have one idea, you focus all your attention and energy on that idea alone, not noticing anything else around you which may very well be more important!  With all your attention focused solely on one thing, you may become oblivious to more important things that are happening, and you may fail to see the bigger picture.  Focusing only on implementing one idea inhibits you from thinking clearly or being objective.  When we become so caught up with something, we often develop a bias towards it,
and when it ends up not working out, we are completely devastated.

It is not good to focus everything that you have on one idea, because there is always a very big chance that the idea may not materialise - which could leave you ending up with nothing!

Some advice I think I should reiterate to myself the next time a little idea pops in to my head - remember that focusing on one idea only will leave you missing out on something else happening at the same time.  So while you focus all your attention to one specific thing, always remember that there is a chance that the grass may be greener on the other side.

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