The title of this post says it all... We are what we do! What this means is what we do depicts who and what we are; people percieve us (and quite often judge us) based on our actions and the way we carry ourselves.
It is said that an impression is formed of someone within the first three minutes of meeting each other. First impressions count as this is the foundation that your relationship will be based on. A person's manerisms and appearance play a big role in the impression that someone forms of you. You very seldom forget the first time you meet someone, especially if something (good or bad) stands out about that person. Don't forget, you do not get a second chance at your first impression!
Take me for example. I like to think of myself as a people's-person and outgoing. If there is a conversation, I will gladly take part in it and get involved. I will listen to other people's opinions as well as voice my own. I like to think that people will view me as an outgoing, friendly and fun person to be around; but on the other hand...
People could percieve me as being a bit arrogant or aggressive if I try too hard to get my opinion across or completely take over the conversation and interrup others while they are talking.

If for instance, a group of people are having a conversation, but you barely say two words, people will perceive you as shy and boring. If, as a girl, you go out in public and hang on every single guy you see, people will percieve you as common or slutty. If you are seen shoving your face with McDonald's every five minutes, people will percieve you as unhealthy. For these reasons, it is very difficult to maintain a perfect balance and to get people to view you as you want them to.
Others will always judge you on what it is that you are doing and will always form their own perceptions of you no matter how hard you try to change them. So be aware of your actions next time you are around others as although you may not know it, they are constantly judging you on your actions.
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