Being lost could take a physical form where, geographically, you have no idea where you are and cannot find your desired location, or an emotional form where you feel out of place and do not know which path your life should take.
Both forms happen to me quite often. The former occurs while driving in an area I am not used to. I often get lost and begin to panic slightly, but have learnt to never leave the house without knowing where I'm going or without checking my GPS or Google Maps.
The latter also happens to me quite often, as I'm sure it does with most people throughout their lives. We very often find ourselves questioning things such as: 'Did I study the right thing?' or 'Am I really happy in this relationship?' or 'Where am I going in life at the moment?' All these questions lead us to wander, but do not necessarily mean that we are lost.

Sometimes in life, we need to wander off slightly as this is how we learn things we did not previously know. This could be in the form of becoming acquainted with another part of our country that we were too scared to ventur in to, or a deeper meaning of achieving satisfaction with the decisions we have made in our lives. If we didn't wander every now and then, we would never know if the decisions we have made are the right ones or not.
Wandering does not mean that we are lost. It means that we are merely trying to find some sort of reassurance in what we have done in our past, or some guideline as to what we should do in our future.
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