So what does motivate me? The answer is, I actually don't know. I don't think that I have a stand out factor that motivates me. Overall I just want to be successful. I'll have to come back in a few years time to try and define that term for you, though.
On an academic achievement front, I motivate myself to always do my best and to work hard so that I can achieve my goals. I am a very strong-willed and determined human being, and I like it this way. As I am the one that motivates myself to always achieve my best, it makes the end result that much more worthwhile as I know I am doing it for me and not for anybody else. I am motivated to be independent and successful and to not rely too heavily on others. And let's not beat around the bush, what motivates most people in this world today is money. Whoever says otherwise is either in denial or a good liar. Without money, we cannot fulfil our basic needs. Money can buy happiness and that is the main motivational factor for the majority in this world.
Apart from self-motivation, in my life I have been faced with a lot of factors that also motivate me, but not in a positive way. What I mean by this is that particular circumstances have motivated me to do the opposite of what the other person has done. It has taught me not to make the same mistakes in my life as the other person. This is a great motivational factor for me as I was able to see first-hand what the result of that person's actions was. The result was obviously one that I did not favour, and this has definitely motivated me be a better person than what they are, and to treat others the way in which I want to be treated.
I guess success is what motivates you? great post