Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A skill set called leadership

In life, there are two types of people: Leaders and followers.  Which one are you?

I like to think I am a leader rather than a follower.  I like to use my own initiative and to take control of things.  I like to know that things are done properly and leave no room for error.  This being said, there is nothing wrong with being a follower.  In order to be a leader, you need followers, and vice versa.  Without the one, the other would not exist.

So what skills do you need in order to be an effective leader?  Firstly, I think you should be goal driven.  You need to know what you want and how you want to achieve it.  There should always be something bigger that you are working towards.

You need to be approachable so that your followers are not scared of you and are able to come to you for help or advice.  Being friendly but strict is always a good skill to have as a leader.

A leader should be able to communicate very well with others.  Bad or ineffective communication is what results in miscommunication, confusion and tension between subordinates.  As a part of communication, motivation should be an important component.  Your followers should feel motivated to do their best and should feel proud about the work they've done.  Praise from a leader is always a boost in morale.

You need to be able to lead.  As obvious as this sounds, a skill that every single leader requires is to be able to set a proper example to others and to ensure that they follow it.  This does not refer only to your words, but your actions too.  It is no use being a hypocrite by saying one thing and then doing another.  Your actions speak louder than your words - true, indeed.

Finally, you should be a team player.  Even though you are the one that sets the example and takes charge of things, you should never view yourself as superior to others.  They will see this very clearly and will not be impressed by it.

Being a leader is a complete package.  One cannot only possess a few leadership traits.  If you do, yes, it might still make you a leader, but will not ensure your effectiveness.  What is the point of doing something if you are not going to do it right?

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