Tuesday, August 21, 2012

You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

Confucius once said: "The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither."

I agree with this statement because if you actually think about it properly, what are the chances that the rabbits are going to run in the same direction?

The probability of it is that they are most likely going to run in opposite directions, making it impossible to catch both of them.  If you are lucky, you may end up catching at least one rabbit, but there is a big possibility you could end up with no rabbits at all!

An excellent real-life example we can relate to this statement is cheating on someone or being unfaithful.  For me, cheating is one of the worst things you can do and there is no forgiveness for it.  Some may think this is a bit harsh, but I always maintain that if you are going to cheat on someone, the feelings that you had for that person are obviously no longer there, otherwise you would not be doing it.  So what is the point in trying to maintain that relationship?

You may very well think the other person will never find out, but the truth will always come out.  Either it will eat at you until you can't take it anymore, or chances are the other person already has his/her suspicions about it.  And while you're enjoying your time having the best of both worlds, just remember that you cannot chase two rabbits at the same time, and in this situation, you will most likely end up with no rabbits at the end of the day!  Don't let the temptation of chasing two rabbits at the same time, make you give up the one good rabbit you already have.

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