The reason I have conversations would be for the obvious explanation: to communicate!
Apart from that, however, conversations are an important component of our everyday lives. It is the method we use to talk to other people in order for us to find out more about them. We also use conversations as a means of entertainment. Think about it, probably not a day goes by without you having a conversation with someone, however insignificant you think it may be at the time.
I love talking to people and having various, even random and meaningless conversations.

I could talk for hours because conversations are what make life interesting. It is your chance to get someone else’s view on a particular matter, and even to converse about something that happened some time ago that you may have forgotten about. By starting a conversation you are able to see if you enjoy that person’s company and if you are able to talk to them. Just today I sat with four friends and we had non-stop conversations for nearly four hours. Guaranteed we could have sat there for at least another four more hours just talking!
As aspiring Public Relations professionals, we need to be good communicators and need to be able to have conversations with others – and to enjoy it too! As PR professionals, we need to have conversations with a variety of people in order to “sell” them our story, product or service. We use conversations as a means of convincing our stakeholders that what we can provide them with is essential to them. In this profession, conversations possibly play the biggest role when communicating to journalists. We need to be able to converse with them in order to form a relationship and to properly pitch our story to them so that they will use it in their publication. Conversations are what make the world go round!
Keep on talking, keep on communicating, keep on conversing… You never know what you may find out about someone just from a simple conversation.
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