Friday, October 19, 2012

Productivity tips for busy people

As a person who is always on the go, especially throughout this year by working two jobs plus attempting to complete my BTech degree in Public Relations Management, I found the below tips very useful to implement.  These tips will ensure that you not only complete everything that needs to be done, but remain productive while doing so.  So if you ever feel like you are too busy to do anything and cannot cope anymore, try the following 50 tips out.  Remember, there are only 168 hours in a week, and if you’re sleeping 8 hours a day (like we're all supposed to!), you only left with roughly 110 hours to be productive!


  1. Create a to-do list
  2. Create a not-to-do list
  3. When you wake up, set at least 3 'most important things'to do for the day
  4. Prioritize your work
  5. Use free time wisely to reduce stress
  6. Don’t try to be a perfectionist (I really need to work on this one!)
  7. Maintain a clutter-free working environment
  8. Delegate properly
  9. Have some fun
  10. Go out and walk at least once a day
  11. Drink a lot of water
  12. Narrow down options
  13. Rest is more important than you think
  14. Let go of expectations
  15. Do one task at a time - never do multi-tasking
  16. Think on paper
  17. Learn to say NO
  18. Don’t rush things
  19. Dream big
  20. Create the best and prepare for the worst
  21. Write as you talk
  22. Be patient
  23. Stay positive
  24. Don’t give up
  25. Tell your family/friends to not disturb you while you're working
  26. Eliminate all the noises around you
  27. Don’t kill yourself with too much work, spend some time with yourself too
  28. Distractions destroy productivity. So, destroy the distractions by sharpening your focus
  29. Put your mobile in silent mode
  30. Take short breaks
  31. Do it slowly and deliberately
  32. Do it completely
  33. Think about what is necessary
  34. Develop rituals
  35. Plan ahead
  36. To get what you want, stop doing what isn’t working
  37. Failing to plan is planning to fail (so make a plan ASAP)
  38. Decide on a task - xecute it!
  39. Stop thinking - start doing
  40. Just take the first step
  41. Do hard tasks first
  42. Use a planner
  43. Create deadlines
  44. Tell someone else about your goals
  45. Reduce spending time on social media
  46. You don’t FIND time for things, you MAKE it
  47. Do the worst things first
  48. Motivate yourself
  49. Batch your errands
  50. Don't read too much on the Internet (you'll end up knowing nothing!)

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