An instruction may refer to a set of steps or rules that have been set out for us to adhere to or follow. Instructions are put in place for a reason. They maintain stability and order.
You may not notice it, but instructions form a part of our everyday lives. For example, stopping at a Stop sign while driving. If we did not adhere to this simple instruction, there would be complete havoc on the roads.
Instructions also serve the purpose of explaining things. If we did not follow instructions, we would not know how to assemble a baby's cot or a model aeroplane. We would not know how to care for expensive garments or how to cook delicious food from various recipes - all mandatory tasks that we don't give a second thought to.
The act of following instructions seems easy enough, albeit this does not mean we like to adhere to them.
It is the order and stability that instructions creat that makes us, as "individuals", want to deviate from it. As a creative person, it is challenging to follow instructions because we like to "think outside the box" and to be innovative or different. This is difficult to maintain when set instructions are given to you to follow. Everybody wants to be unique.
It can therefore be said that following instructions is a hard thing to do. This is influenced by different circumstances we are placed in. We choose when it is convenient or not for us to follow instructions.
You may not notice it, but instructions form a part of our everyday lives. For example, stopping at a Stop sign while driving. If we did not adhere to this simple instruction, there would be complete havoc on the roads.
Instructions also serve the purpose of explaining things. If we did not follow instructions, we would not know how to assemble a baby's cot or a model aeroplane. We would not know how to care for expensive garments or how to cook delicious food from various recipes - all mandatory tasks that we don't give a second thought to.
The act of following instructions seems easy enough, albeit this does not mean we like to adhere to them.
It is the order and stability that instructions creat that makes us, as "individuals", want to deviate from it. As a creative person, it is challenging to follow instructions because we like to "think outside the box" and to be innovative or different. This is difficult to maintain when set instructions are given to you to follow. Everybody wants to be unique.
It can therefore be said that following instructions is a hard thing to do. This is influenced by different circumstances we are placed in. We choose when it is convenient or not for us to follow instructions.
I cannot agree with you more. I have enjoyed being instructed by you. Well done!