As soon as most people hear this question, they automatically relive a part of their childhood when Pocahontas ran through the forest with leaves and colours blowing all around her, singing 'can you paint with all the colours of the wind?'

To me, the colour of the wind is any colour that you want it to be. Some days the wind is our worst nightmare. We moan constantly about the wind as it blows our dresses up, blows our hair out of the perfect style it was in before we left the house, and blows all our papers all over the place. It is just plain unpleasant. On the other hand, the wind is our best friend on scorching hot days, when all we need is that fine breath of wind to cool us down.
The wind is all around us, all day, every day.
The mood that we're in and our varying personalities determines what colour we think wind is.
Hot and bothered/bad mood/short-tempered/angry= Red
Happy/good mood = Yellow
Positive/optimistic/easy-going = Green
Passionate/warm = Purple
Powerful/strong/domineering = Orange
Calm/loyal/sincere/spiritual = Blue
So next time the wind is blowing or not blowing and before you complain about it, think of the above definitions to see what colour you see the wind as.
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