Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Do you celebrate the things you have?

Often we take for granted the things that we have.  Every morning, say for instance, I wake up, shower, brush teeth, have breakfast, drive to work, eat lunch, come home, have dinner, watch TV, and go to sleep in a warm, comfortable bed.  Yet throughout the day, there are things I complain about:  being stuck in traffic, being late for work, eating a boring sandwich for lunch, or having nothing to watch on TV.

But I seldom stop to realise the magnitude of the things that I actually do have.  We do not appreciate the small things in life that make such a difference.  Instead, they are often taken for granted or not celebrated.

Thinking about it closely, I at least have a warm bed to sleep in at night, have running water, am able to afford food to eat, have a car to get around, and have a TV to watch for some recreation.  There are so many people in this world that do not even have a quarter of the things listed above.  Yet we always tend to focus on the negative things in life and never stop to actually appreciate the things that we do have and the ways that we have been blessed.

Consider family, friends, and education - all the things that some less fortunate individuals can only dream of having.  So from today onwards, whenever I feel like complaining about something insignificant, I should rather stop to realise the good things I have in life and should celebrate the things I have been blessed with.

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