Sunday, May 13, 2012

Feelings follow behaviour

Ever done something really bad, and known it was bad, but still did it anyway?  Then afterwards when you think back on it, you realize that you probably should not have done it?  Feelings follow behaviour.

Many of us know we should not do something, yet still proceed to do it anyway (why this is, I will never know!).  Think about eating that one piece of chocolate when you are on a diet, or telling your mom you're just "going to a friend" when you're actually going to a club or somewhere you know you should not be going, or calling someone a nasty name in the heat of the moment when you know you will regret it later.

After we have performed our bad action, we have that tiny voice inside our head, known as our conscience (i.e. our sense of what is right and wrong), that plays our action over and over for us until we succumb to the realisation that we have done something we should not have done (like we didn't know this in the first place!).  This then creates a not-so-nice feeling inside of us.

On the other hand, doing something good like giving time or money to charity, or helping out someone in need, will give us a sense of pride and selflessness.  Our conscience can also make us feel good about ourselves every once in a while.

We all have tons of feelings that we experience on a daily basis.  The moral here is that feelings are created as a result of our behaviour.  It's the same as "every action has an equal and opposite reaction."  Do something bad and you will feel bad about it; do something good and you will feel good about it.  Simple.

What we do manifests within us and determines what we will feel in the end.

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