Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

Sometimes our greatest strengths come as a result of our greatest weaknesses.  What we are subjected to or witness throughout our lives will result in the strengths and weaknesses that we feel.  What we may view as our best strength or most favourable attribute, may very well be our biggest downfall too.

When addressing this topic, the first thing that came to mind was one's confidence.  If you think about it, it is a good thing to be a confident person as it allows you to meet new people easily and do well in many aspects of life.  On the other hand, one's confidence can be viewed as a very negative characteristic as many could perceive you as being vain or conceted when being posessing confidence.

In a quote by Brian G. Jett, he states that "you can determine how confident people are by listening to what they don't say about themselves."  This is an excellent saying as the more people brag or boast about themselves, the less confident they actually are.  By continuously highlighting their best qualities and always trying to promote themselves amongst others, they are really just trying to hide the fact that they lack confidence.

I definitely consider myself a perfectionist.  Everything at my desk or in my room has its place.  I pay great attention to detail and cannot rest knowing something is not done 'perfectly.'  This would often be considered a strength by most people, but I tend to consider it a weakness.  Sometimes one needs to let go of things just a bit in order to actually appreciate what is out there.  By focusing too much time and attention on making things 'perfect' you are missing out on everything else in between.

Our greatest strenghts could very well become our greatest weaknesses, and so could our greatest weaknesses become our greatest strenghts.  We need to be careful about how we portray our strenghts to those around us as we have come to see that there is a very fine line between the two.  What we perceive as our strenghts, others could label as our biggest weakness.

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