Monday, November 5, 2012

If presented with the opportunity to get a message to a large group of people, what would your message be? Is it possible to lie without saying a word?

If I was given the opportunity to get a message out to a large group of people, my message would be directed to individuals within a country such as South Africa, who are affected by unemployment.

The reason our unemployment rate (currently at over 25%) is so high is because we are over-populated.  There is no question about it.  The rate of reproduction is so advanced that there are simply not enough jobs out there for everyone.

It often makes me angry when I see women who are homeless or unemployed with no form of income, who are pregnant.  What type of life will that child of yours have?  I understand that having a child is a blessing and is a gift from God, as many women struggle to have children.  That child could even be given to a family that desperately wants a child to love and take care of.  But our foster homes and orphanages are also extremely over-populated because people do not take proper precautions to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

If you can barely support yourself and do not even have a home or form of income, your child's life may be no better.  They will also not have a home and will not have access to proper education, thereby contributing to the unemployment rate once again as they will struggle to get a job without having received an education.

My message would be just to think about the consequences of your actions.  If you are in no position to raise a child and give him/her everything that he/she deserves, you should be extra cautious and should endeavour to not allow your child to have the same upbringing as you did.

I firmly believe that the solution to our problem of unemployment in South Africa is to curb the rate of reproduction and especially unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.  This would be the message that I would communicate to South Africans.

I do, however, think it is possible to lie without saying a word.  We often forget about what we DO instead of what we SAY, which may in fact have more drastic consequences.  Just remember, actions often speak louder than words.

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